About the Commission

The Honorable Troy A. Eid
Commission Chairman
Troy A. Eid was the United States Attorney for the District of Colorado from 2006 to 2009.

Tom Gede
ILOC Commissioner
Tom Gede is a principal with Bingham Consulting Group and of counsel at Bingham McCutchen LLP.

The Honorable Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin
ILOC Commissioner
Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin represented the state of South Dakota in the House of Representatives.

The Honorable Earl Ralph Pomeroy III
ILOC Commissioner
Now a lobbyist, Earl Pomeroy represented North Dakota in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Affie Ellis
ILOC Commissioner
Affie Ellis is president of Ellis Public Affairs, a public and government relations firm.

Carole Goldberg
ILOC Commissioner
The Honorable Carole Goldberg is the Jonathan D. Varat Professor of Law at the UCLA School of Law.

The Honorable Jefferson Keel
ILOC Commissioner
Jefferson Keel is the Lieutenant Governor of the Chickasaw Nation and President of NCAI.