Publications Related Websites Event Documents Testimony
Title: Indian Health Service Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative Fact Sheet
Description: In September 2009, the Indian Health Service (IHS) began the Methamphetamine and Suicide Prevention Initiative (MSPI), a pilot demonstration project for IHS, Tribal, and Urban Indian health programs.
Title: List of Testimony Documents - Washington, DC Field Hearing
Description: List of Testimony Documents presented at the Washington, DC Indian Law and Order Commission (ILOC) Field Hearing.
Title: Resources for Justice-Involved Veterans - A Guide for Tribal Justice Systems
Description: This guide describes several efforts currently underway to address needs for treatment and other services among Veterans in the criminal justice system. Veterans Treatment Courts (VTCs) are an example of one approach, and the guide describes how this model, or various parts of it, can be implemented in different tribal justice environments.
Title: Federal Bar Association - Proposal to Establish Traditional Tribal Veterans Centers
Description: Proposal by the Federal Bar Association on Traditional Tribal Veterans Centers, accredited veterans organizations on reservations and created through cooperation between IHS, VA, Department of Interior, and tribal social services to address the specific needs of AI/AN veterans.
Title: Indian Health Service Sexual Assault Response Team Trainings for Tribal Communities
Description: The Indian Health Service is inviting Tribal and Federal health care providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, and victim advocates for a two-day, sexual assault response team (SART) training (training dates listed for 2012).
Title: Prevention & Recovery Quarterly Newsletter - Winter 2012
Description: The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is pleased to announce that the Fiscal Year 2012 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) is now available at the Tribal Justice and Safety website.