Updates about the ILOC and Responses
The following links are updates about the ILOC and the response and are not works of the Commission.

- American Bar Association Resolution (July 27, 2015)
- Focus on Indian Law by Troy A. Eid and Affie Ellis: Indian Law and Order Commission Proposals Gain Ground (The Federal Lawyer, Volume 62, Issue Five, June 2015)
- Jeff Davis Accepting Tecumseh Award from Michigan State Bar Indian Law Section (Turtle Talk, September 19, 2014)
- Department of the Interior proposes regulations to make trust land acquisitions for Alaska Natives (Native American Rights Fund, April 30, 2014)
- Begich Wants Parnell to Change Stance on Village Public Safety Issues, Violence Against Women Act (March 26, 2014)
- Senator Mark Begich's letter to Governor Parnell (March 25, 2014)
- [VIDEO] ILOC Chair Troy Eid gives Keynote at the 2014 Tanana Chiefs Conference (March 10–13, 2014)
- TCC convention speaker blasts governments’ treatment of Natives (Newsminer.com, March 12, 2014)
- House panel says it will act on federal report on rural crime, but doesn't know how (Anchorage Daily News, March 11, 2014)
- Keynote Speech Stirs Emotions at TCC Meeting (KTVF 11DT News Center, March 11, 2014)
- Editorial board: On reservations, justice still needs work (Casper Star-Tribune, February 26, 2014)
- Senator Begich Speaks Out on Indian & Alaska Native Concerns (Indian Country Today Media Network, February 26, 2014)
- All Pueblo Council of Governments Resolution - A resolution in support of the ILOC's findings and request for congressional hearings. It was provided to the New Mexico congressional delegation. (February 19, 2014)